Infectious Diseases
Duration - Three Months
Learning Modules
Basics in microbiology
Interpretation of culture reports
PKPD of antibiotics
Approach to Meningitis, encephalitis
Infections in Neurosurgery
TB meningitis
Approach to Vertebral osteomyelitis
Community-acquired Pneumonia
Hospital acquired pneumonia
Basics of TB management
Approach to skin & soft tissue infections
Acute febrile illness
(Malaria, enteric, Dengue, leptospirosis, COVID-19)
Post Tranplant infections
Approach to patient with HIV
OIs in HIV
HIV - When to suspect resistance & How to manage
New molecules/ Therapy in HIV
Invasive Fungal Infections
Worms & Parasites
Infective endocarditis
C- Difficle diarrhoea
Infection Control
Viral infections - CMV infections
Approach to STD (sexually transmitted Diseases)
Approach to infections of bones & joints • •
Key Features
Learning content in the form of recorded lectures
Case based learning
MCQ test at the end of the course
Course completion certificate from Fortis memorial research Institute (Gurugram) and clinevo medvidya health care